When was the last time, you did anything for the first time?

A TV commercial asks: When was the last time, you did anything for the first time? The ad struck a chord with me. What an intriguing question! So, I gave it some thought. And…well, let’s just say I fell short.
New adventures, new places, new people? Was I in an inexcusable rut? I had to admit while I vacation and go out frequently, I had fallen into going to the same places with the same people for the same reasons. Not to disparage my wonderful friends, but we should all have new experiences to keep the ole’ brain working and the interest level of life high.
I’m not talking about a bucket list here, though I’ve had one since I was old enough to hold a pencil. I’m talking about paying attention. What about a new food I’ve never tasted, a color I’ve never worn before, or a person I’ve seen on numerous occasions but haven’t spoken to other than a few words, like the checkout lady at the supermarket.
Why not? I ask myself. And what about the lovely walking path along the Desplaines River I pass almost every day of my life that beckons? Why haven’t I ever parked my car and followed it for a few miles? I will take the TV ad’s advice. Will you?
Start simple. Plant a new flower see what pops out!
Annalisa Russo is a published author and master storyteller based in Chicago, IL. Currently writing with The Wild Rose Press, she has just released her fifth novel: Angel Boy. You can read more about it and the author at annalisarusso.comFollow Annalisa Russo on TwitterFacebook, and Goodreads.

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