Fall Nesting

There’s something about shorter days and longer nights to push one toward nesting and enjoying nature’s bounty—heaps of fallen colors, corn mazes, scenic drives, the full migration of ducks and geese, crisp mornings, and beautiful autumnal afternoons. At least until the drizzle and biting damp of late October sets in for those of us in the Midwest. But while the fiery leaves are still on the trees, it’s the time for you and your crew to take advantage of the unintended moments of beauty.

Remember science class where you covered a fallen leaf with a sheet of paper and voila! A work of art by rubbing over the paper with the side of a crayon. Simple, yet beautiful in its simplicity. And what ever happened to “just drop by”? Now, after fifty-two group texts, you finally agree on a night to get together—in six weeks.

Get my drift? Let autumn’s fleeting changes inspire you to grab on before it’s too late. Take steps to make your life a little bit more delicious. There’s nothing like inviting neighbors over for a spur-of-the-moment chili cook-off to start the trash talk about the merits of roasted habaneros and ghost peppers or bean and tomato vegetarian.

So before fall flies by, take a moment to listen to the leaves rattle.

Holidays are just around the corner.


Annalisa Russo is a published author and master storyteller based in Chicago, IL. Currently writing with The Wild Rose Press, she has just released her seventh book: A Girl’s Best Friend. You can read more about it and the author at annalisarusso.comFollow Annalisa Russo on Twitter, Facebook, and Goodreads.